Newlywed questions you should be ready to answer

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What's next???????
When you're dating, people want to know when you'll be engaged, when you're engaged, they want to know the date of the wedding, after the wedding they want to know when you're having a kid, then you have a kid and they want to know when the next one is on the way.

I have come to terms with the fact that I will not be meeting the expectations of others, and... that's ok.

Are you getting a dog or cat?
So, since we are not supplying a human child, we should have fur children? Poor parents think having a "fur child" is filling the void of not having human children. We have 3 cats, sorry not dog people.

How's married life treating you?
Awful, what a mistake.
I'm kidding, what do people think we're going to say? For those of you who ask this and know us, this is a dumb question. We were together for 6 years before getting married and lived together for 5 of those years. We are good. 

Don't get me wrong, being married IS different than dating or even being engaged, but it seems like a ridiculous question to ask when you probably know the answer.

How's the old ball and chain?
This question never gets old, especially since we've only been married for 5 months.


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