DIY Linen Closet Makeover

By | 6:34 PM Leave a Comment
**Future blog posts will be listed on my personal website at**

Like many, our linen closet was tucked away in our hallway, collecting miscellaneous items and semi-serving its purpose. In my last blog post, I changed our end closet into a showcase, and in this blog post I'll show you how to turn your linen closet into something nice to look at.

Step 1 // Paint
Choose whatever paint colors you want showing, remember there won't be any doors covering the closet anymore. I choose the same eggshell color and gray color from my last project (they are in the same hallway).

Step 2 // Add Shelves
These shelves were made the same as they were in my closet update post. We also added a little bit of the wood from the new shelves to the front of the older shelves to tie them together.

Step 3 // Organization, Baskets and Bins
I ended up taking everything out of the closet, then organizing everything into 8 categories. To add a little style, I wanted to have 2 different kinds of bins; one wire and one cloth. We ended up going with white baskets from Ikea and yellow baskets from Crate and Barrel.

The Final Product
These subtle changes have really opened up our hallway and allowed us to add a little style in places you wouldn't typically see.


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